2022 Fall // Interactive Art 1: Creative Coding
🏆 = Featured Projects
Low-Fi Video Games
Tools used: git, GitHub, Bitsy
- 🏆 Slave to the Siren by Cobie French [GitHub repo]
- 🏆 Phone Tree Hell by Kat Chudy [GitHub repo]
- PLAGUE by Abbie Capes [GitHub repo]
- Let’s Go Shopping by Alexis Gorby [GitHub repo]
- Trapped by Ashton Ellis [GitHub repo]
- Durban Digital by Bronson Leiro [GitHub repo]
- Busy Bee by Craig Moore [GitHub repo]
- Gutav’s Another Day by Gustav Paragas [GitHub repo]
- Good Morning! It’s time to wake up! by Kayla Simpson [GitHub repo]
- Welcome to the Jungle of Life by Kelly Hammer [GitHub repo]
- Mission: Explore the ocean! by Olivia Stone [GitHub repo]
- Confused and Stressed at the Grocery Store by Reian Marei Beltran [GitHub repo]
- JoJo In the Garden by Sarah Ledezma [GitHub repo]
- Kitchen Mana by Skylar Sweatt [GitHub repo]
Interactive Narratives
Tools used: git, GitHub, Visual Studio Code, twee3, html/css
- 🏆 Trout’s Mouth Landing by Craig Moore [GitHub repo]
- The Self by Reian Marei Beltran [GitHub repo]
- UFO by Abbie Capes [GitHub repo]
- Taking Bad Advice by Kat Chudy [GitHub repo]
- The Forest by Cobie French [GitHub repo]
- I Feel Weird by Alexis Gorby [GitHub repo]
- Roadtrip From Hell by Kelly Hammer [GitHub repo]
- The Assistant by Sarah Ledezma [GitHub repo]
- E-Scape by Bronson Leiro [GitHub repo]
- Johnny’s Adventures by Gustav Paragas [GitHub repo]
- Alone by Kayla Simpson [GitHub repo]
- Birds of a Feather by Olivia Stone [GitHub repo]
- Cryptids Across the Country by Ashton Ellis [GitHub repo]
Programming Interactivity
Tools used: p5.js, Visual Studio Code, GitHub
- Balikbayan Box by Reian Marei Beltran [GitHub repo]
- Alexis Gorby [GitHub repo]
- Kelly Hammer [GitHub repo]
- Sarah Ledezma [GitHub repo]
- Bronson Leiro [GitHub repo]
- Craig Moore (requires a MIDI controller) [GitHub repo]
- Gustav Paragas [GitHub repo]
- Olivia Stone [GitHub repo]
- Ashton Ellis [GitHub repo]